Katherine's Hearing Story

Last update on Sep, 11, 2018

Katherine family life changed since she could her hear her son again.

Being able to hear clearly has given Katherine her independence back - and enabled her to enjoy life with her husband and their young son.

Katherine had always struggled with her hearing. Her hearing loss was first picked up in her teens, but because the hearing aids she was given weren't that user friendly, she'd only wear them during the day. Life at home became a bit of a struggle.

As time went on and she moved into the workplace, hearing and participating in meetings became more and more difficult.

Having a young son proved to be the catalyst Katherine needed to address her hearing problems. "Edward was having health issues, and I realised how much I was relying on having someone with me when I went to meetings and consultations with his doctors. I was missing out on a lot of important information I needed to know to help Edward. And more importantly, I was missing out on what he was saying to me too."

"Not being able to hear wasn't just affecting me, it was having an impact on the people around me - and that was really upsetting." Katherine visited Amplifon's Wilmslow branch, where Audiologist Lee made a suggestion which transformed Katherine's views about her hearing.

A really emotional moment - we couldn't believe the difference the Amplifon hearing aids made

"Lee suggested putting the hearing aids in whilst my husband left the room. I thought 'there's no way I'll be able to hear him speaking from another room,' but I could. It was a really emotional moment for both of us - we couldn't believe the difference the Amplifon hearing aids made."

Katherine wears her new hearing aids all the time: "They're much more comfortable and easy to adjust when I'm on the phone. I can hear what's going on at work and play an active part in meetings.

More importantly, I can hear everything my little boy says." Katherine now feels a bit cheated for all the special times she has missed out on as a result of not hearing properly. "It's made life so much more enjoyable. I can do things other people in their thirties take for granted, like going out for a meal without having to worry about whether I'll hear everything."

"Amplifon hasn't just changed my life - it's changed the life of my family, friends and work colleagues."

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