Types of hearing loss

First signs of hearing loss

First signs of hearing loss usually include difficulty following conversations amid background noise, trouble understanding higher-pitched voices (such as children's/womens voices) and needing to turn the volume up on the TV.

Varying different sounds

The world around us is full of varying different sounds. These sounds can be become harmful when you are exposed to loud noises, even for a short amount of time or when they are loud and long lasting e.g. a music concert, listening to you iPod/MP3 player or working on a building site.These sounds can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear which can cause noise-induced hearing loss.

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High frequency hearing loss is one of the most widespread form of hearing deterioration as it is normally as a result of excessive noise exposure or the natural ageing process; both ears are usually affected.

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There are three main types of hearing loss

There are three main types of hearing loss, conductive, sensorineural and noise inducted. You can read more on these types of hearing loss below.

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