Other Hearing Problems

Other hearing-related diseases and issues

There are many diseases that can impact your hearing. While some hearing problems are more common than others such as Otitis Media, Meniere's disease, conductive and seasonal, otosclerosis and ushers syndrome result in hearing disorder.

Ear infections and diseases

Some infections and diseases that may affect your hearing are :

Also an ear infection can cause conductive hearing loss, since it can lead to an obstruction in the middle ear. The infection can be bacterial or viral or caused by allergies, colds, sinus infections, excess mucus, smoking and changes in air pressure.

Temporary hearing loss

Temporary hearing loss can occur due to a few different factors.
A middle ear infection could cause a hearing loss which goes away once the infection is treated. Exposure to sudden loud noises is also a leading cause of temporary hearing loss. Hearing returns to normal levels over a period of time if you are not exposed to any more sudden loud noises.
Ear wax or a foreign object lodged in the ear canal could cause a temporary hearing loss also. Once the ear wax or foreign object is removed, hearing will return to normal levels.

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Hearing loss can be confusing and scary, at Amplifon we have the experience to help guide you through your loss and find a solution that works for you hearing profile and lifestyle.

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Diseases causing hearing loss

A number of reports have linked hearing loss to several other chronic diseases of note, including heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

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