Uma Hearing Story

Last update on Sep, 11, 2018

Watch 82 year young, Mrs. UMA RASTOGI's story and find out how hearing solutions from Amplifon re-introduced “THE JOY OF HEARING YOUR LOVED ONES” in her life.

82 year young, Mrs. UMA RASTOGI, was experiencing difficulty in hearing her grandchildren’s innocent, kind and caring speech.

In-retrospect, Mrs. Uma Rastogi who is now 82 year young, told us that it was her dream to be a grandparent so that she could give all her love and care to her grandchildren. 

Unfortunately because of her age, her hearing abilities were gradually getting worse and she was hardly able to hear the sweet sound of her grandchildren. 

Mrs, Uma Rastogi, did not lose hope and was determined to find a viable solution for getting back the joy of hearing. 

It was through a friend who noticed the struggle Mrs, Uma found in hearing, that he recommended Amplifon as the best hearing solution which could re-introduce the complete joy of hearing for Mrs. Uma Rastogi.

Amplifon as the best hearing solution which could re-introduce the complete joy of hearing

Q1. When was the first time, did you realize that you were experiencing difficulty in hearing?
A. I refused to acknowledge that there was any problem. But gradually, I started realizing that there was something wrong when I had to direct my head towards someone speaking to me.

Q2. What hearing difficulties did you face?
A. I could not follow people talking to me so I would ask them to speak little louder & clearer. I realized that one ear was hearing better so I always preferred using that to answer the phone. I also noticed that I was watching TV at a higher volume than before.

Q3. How did your family and friends react to your hearing loss?
A. Even though my family was trying to persuade me to get my hearing checked but this made me feel irritated & I would retort that I was ok. In fact I felt exhausted and frustrated by constantly trying to focus on understanding what others were saying.

Q4. Who was the specialist did you visit to get your hearing checked & what was your first reaction when you were diagnosed with a hearing loss?
A. I came to know about my hearing loss from an Audiologist. I was reluctant to go for a hearing instrument because of my old age and also because of my perception that I could manage my day to day activities without hearing aid.

Q5. Who advised you to go for Hearing Instrument?
A. The Audiologist at Amplifon, duly supported by my husband and my children. Further during my interaction with Audiologists, I came to know that Amplifon has best in class hearing care & state of the art diagnostic equipment supported by highly qualified & skilled audiologists. “Truly a World Class Standard”.

Q6. What was your idea of hearing devices? Were you afraid?
A. I did not want to have them thinking that it would be big, cumbersome & visible to everyone but to my surprise I got a small and a comfortable hearing solution, hardly noticeable. I had no idea there were so many varieties of hearing instruments inside and outside the ear and they were intelligently functioning like computer adapting themselves automatically to the surrounding environment.

Q7. How does your hearing instrument help you in your daily life? Are you happy with your decision of going for it?
A. Absolutely happy. I can hear sound very clearly like I used to. Initially, it took me some time to adjust to this, but now, it is steadily getting more comfortable. Everything is much easier now and I am back to my normal routine.

Q8. Would you recommend wearing hearing instruments to other hearing impaired person?
A. Definitely. Because at this age, you really wouldn’t want to miss the beautiful moments that life bestows upon you. Like chuckling of my great grandchildren or listening to my favorite devotional songs. Thanks to this small device which has actually brought back smile on my and my family’s faces. I must also appreciate the personal touch, care and customized solution provided by Amplifon which completely fulfils my lifestyle requirements.

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