Hearing aid batteries and cleaning

Below is the key information you need to know before choosing a battery

Hearing aid batteries are the heartbeat of your hearing aids; they are essential to your ability to hear and enjoy the world around you. When you need to replace your batteries, remember they can come in a range of different sizes, and each type varies in terms of size, compatibility, and lifespan.
Not all batteries will work in your hearing aid: Below is the key information you need to know before choosing a battery for your hearing aids.

How do I know what size batteries I need?

Hearing aid batteries come in four standard sizes: 10, 13, 312 and 675. To help you identify which one you’ll need, all manufacturers use standard colour codes on their packaging and zinc air tabs.

Schedule an appointment

If you’re not sure what type of hearing aid batteries you need, or need pointers on how to clean your devices, our in-store experts can help. Book an appointment with us at one of our stores across the India and we’ll help guide you through it all.

Cleaning your hearing aid

When replacing a hearing aid battery, it’s also a good opportunity to clean your devices thoroughly so they can continue to working at their optimum level.

Your Amplifon Audiologist will have shown you how to clean your hearing aids, but if you need a refresher there are a few approaches depending on the type of hearing aids you have. They can also clean them for you if required.

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