What to do in Ear Pain?

Causes, symptoms and remedies of ear pain

Ear pain is a condition that can occur in inner, middle or outer ear. The onset may not be related to a specific disease or infection. Inorder to find out its specific cause it is advisable that a specialist assess the earache, if necessary. The intensity of ear pain can range from very mild to very severe, mainly depending on the underlying cause.

What causes ear pain and earache?

There can be numerous potential causes. However, among the main causes of earache there is an ear inflammation that always causes discomfort: otitis and myringitis.

Apart from it, ear pain can also be caused by:

  • Different types of allergies.
  • Prolonged episodes of severe cough.
  • Various diseases of teeth and jaw.
  • Inflammation or closure of the Eustachian tube.
  • Obstruction of the ear canal due to fluids, foreign bodies or earwax.
  • Shingles
  • Inflammation of the parotid gland due to mumps.
  • Freezing of the auricle at very low temperatures.
  • Cancer conditions in near organs.
  • Drastic changes in atmospheric pressure.

Symptoms of ear pain

Depending on the cause of the ear pain, a person may also experience: a loss of hearing or tinnitus, which involves ringing noises that come from inside the ear.

Earache in children and babies

Earache is quite common in children. This may be due to several reasons, since children have much shorter and straighter Eustachian tubes, therefore, inflammation or infection of the upper respiratory tract affects the ear easily.

Treatment and remedies for ear pain

Earache treatment always depends on its cause. Often, it is not only a question of pain relief, but also of treating the triggering disease.


If the doctor determines that the source of the earache is inflammation of the pinna, it can be treated with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

When it comes to ear pain due to middle ear inflammation, what is most often recommended is a carefully controlled combination of pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, including antibiotics in case of an infection.

And finally, if it is ear pain due to inflammation of the ear canal, the anti-inflammatory drops along with antibiotics will help to drastically reduce the symptoms.

Ear pain: when to see a doctor

You must always see a doctor incase of severe ad persistent earache. Depending on the case, the doctor may be forced to intervene to remove liquids, such as pus, that clog the ear. In the following cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  • If you have a fever in addition to the earache
  • Moderate to severe earache
  • With ear bleeding
  • In case of children, If the child is under two years old
  • If the general condition is bad
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