Objective and subjective tinnitus

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What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the perception of a ringing, whistling, rustling or hissing sound felt in the ears or head, even in the absence of an actual acoustic stimulus. It may be intermittent or continuous, varying in intensity and impacting one or both ears. 

Tinnitus is not a standalone but rather a symptom linked to problems of the inner ear (objective tinnitus) or to neurological and cardiovascular diseases (subjective tinnitus).

Types of tinnitus

The main types of tinnitus are objective tinnitus, which often manifests itself in a pulsating manner and is linked to organic conditions, so much so that it can be detected by an external examiner; and subjective tinnitus, the most prevalent type, solely perceived by the patient and often stemming from excessive exposure to noise. Depending on the duration of the disorder, tinnitus is defined as acute if it disappears within 3 months or chronic if it persists for more than 6 months.

Ringing in ears after concerts or disco?

Tinnitus after a concert or disco is the result of excessive and prolonged exposure to particularly loud noises that damage the hair cells of the cochlea, the innermost part of the ear.

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Objective tinnitus

Objective tinnitus, the rarest type, usually has an intermittent or pulsating nature, often synchronised with the heartbeat. In many cases, this type of tinnitus can be a side effect of cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, or stem from issues like temporomandibular joint disorders, neck problems, or mechanical movements in the ear structure.

Diagnosis and treatment

When it comes to objective tinnitus, the first step in treating it is to identify its root cause. To do this, it is necessary to undergo objective examinations, such as a hearing test, an ENT examination and an MRI scan. Once the source of the problem has been identified, the appropriate therapy can be determined in collaboration with a specialist.

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Subjective tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus is a 'phantom' sound that can only be heard by the individual experiencing it, making it more difficult to pinpoint its cause. In most cases, this type of tinnitus is due to excessive exposure to sound, but it can also result from factors such as fatigue, ageing, certain medications and infections. Tinnitus caused by Ménière's syndrome also falls into this category, usually accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness and balance problems.

Diagnosis and treatment

When dealing with subjective tinnitus, we start with an ENT examination and objective examinations aimed at ruling out organic causes. Subsequently, we proceed to specific audiometric tests, available at Amplifon, which make it possible to assess the severity of the problem and determine if it significantly impacts the patient's quality of life. 

How can tinnitus be reduced?

Since the causes are many and vary from person to person, there is no single cure for tinnitus. Usually, a multidisciplinary approach is used, involving pharmacological, instrumental and psychotherapeutic therapy.

A special mention goes to TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy), which aims to 'teach' the patient's brain to recognise tinnitus as less bothersome. In addition, adopting a healthy lifestyle can alleviate and, above all, prevent the onset of tinnitus.

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Why choose Amplifon?

By choosing Amplifon as your hearing care provider, you’re choosing to be cared and looked after by qualified and experienced Audiologists who can help change the way you listen to the world around you.

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