Hilary's Hearing Story

Last update on Dec, 04, 2017

A decline in her hearing had left Hilary Eccleston missing key conversations at work, making her role as an administration officer frustratingly difficult.

Now she has never looked back after a newspaper advert led her to Amplifon, the experts dedicated to helping people hear better since 1950. The difference was instant, she says, and she can now hear conversations, even when talking to a colleague across the open-plan office. “Other people noticed my hearing loss before I did,” says Hilary. “Then I became aware that I was missing what was said in work meetings, which meant that I’d struggle to take the minutes. Now I feel part of the conversation again and it’s made a huge difference at work because I can hear what’s being said around a big table.” Often asked to work on a reception desk, Hilary found it difficult when talking to visitors from behind the glass screen. “Sometimes I wouldn’t catch what they were saying when they gave their name, which made it very difficult for them to talk to me,” she adds. Although Hilary had tried hearing aids from another provider, she found them large and uncomfortable, and she still wasn’t able to pick up every sound.

After spotting the advert for Amplifon she went along to her local branch and was impressed with the testing process. “It was a lot longer and more thorough than any other appointment I’d had and my audiologist, Claire, showed me the inside of my ear on a screen,” she says. “From the combination of tests she did, it was clear that I was missing certain tones and she recommended the right kind of hearing aids to deal with that.” Though customers often trial their hearing aids first, Hilary was so pleased with the difference that she placed an order that day. “I tried them on at the first appointment and I just decided straight away that I wanted them,” she says. “Instantly everything was clearer, even without them being adjusted. They were much neater and they didn’t feel as cumbersome in my ears.”

I don’t struggle in work meetings anymore and I can take part in conversations in the office

Hilary returned to Amplifon within the first few weeks of getting her hearing aids fitted to see how she was progressing and knows she can return whenever she needs assistance. “Claire has been really supportive and there’s an open door policy so I can call in or ring up anytime – although I haven’t had a massive need for that,” she says. And since that first visit, the difference in Hilary’s life has been huge. “I don’t struggle in work meetings anymore and I can take part in conversations in the office because my hearing aids filter the background noise better,” she says. “I’ve been to birthday parties with loud music where I can hear everyone around the table, which I wouldn’t have been able to do before. It’s also made a difference at home because I don’t need the TV volume up so loud – I can hear it at level 9 now, whereas before I needed it at level 30. Now I’m the one telling my husband to turn the TV down.”

Cosmetically, Hilary has also found benefits. “Before I went to Amplifon I’d wanted to have short hair but I hadn’t because I felt embarrassed about my other hearing aids,” she says.“Now I can and other people haven’t a clue that I’m wearing them.”

For Hilary, the decision to seek help has made a huge difference and she has since gone on to recommend Amplifon to family and friends. “For anyone thinking about it, I’d say you really wan to go and see Amplifon because they’ve helped me massively,” she says. “I’m more confident dealing with visitors and work colleagues now and I’ve got a much better quality of life.”

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