There are a number of known causes of tinnitus, including several different medical conditions, exposure to loud noises, a buildup of ear wax and more.
It can often be difficult to understand the root causes of tinnitus, but, like many ear conditions, it is often associated with hearing loss, particularly in older people. As you age, the delicate hairs in your inner ear can become damaged, affecting how sound is transported to your brain. If the hairs inside your inner ear aren't working as they should, there is a reduction in nerve impulses to your brain.
There are many other factors that also cause the condition. We’ve outlined some of the common causes of tinnitus, as well as a few rarer occurrences, which can help you to take appropriate precautions in situations that may affect your hearing.
Tinnitus can also be the result of:
For more unusual cases when tinnitus affects only one ear or symptoms are much louder in one ear than the other, a medical examination, preferably by an ENT Specialist, is necessary to understand whether it’s being caused by a condition requiring medical or surgical treatment.
For more information on how you can help reduce the effects of tinnitus, visit our tinnitus treatments page or visit your local Amplifon clinic for help or support from an experienced audiologist or audiometrist.
Find out more about tinnitus treatment and its symptoms.