It wasn’t until age 30 that actress, comedian and author Samantha Baines was diagnosed with hearing loss in the higher frequencies.
“I never thought I had hearing loss but it turns out it was bad enough on one side for the audiologist to recommend a hearing aid – I was completely shocked.”
Samantha, who has appeared in shows such as Netflix’s The Crown, explained in a chat with us recently that she genuinely thought she had a spider living in her ear before she was advised to go for a hearing test.
“I thought, it obviously doesn’t like loud noises as it is scrambling away whenever I hear loud noises!”
Samantha has had issues with her hearing since around age 12 which she had always attributed to something else.
“I just thought ‘oh that high pitch ringing noise is my grommet’ – which is not a thing!”
As a hearing aid wearer, we recently invited Samantha to our Bexleyheath store to try out our free hearing test and free hearing aid trial.
So, what did she think?
“The whole experience was very lovely, calm and nice; it can be scary to go into those appointments. I discussed quite a few hearing aids which I haven’t done before in other audiologist appointments.”
Samantha went away with a gold Ampli-Energy hearing aid which is rechargeable, so no batteries needed.
“It has been a really great experience and I’ve really enjoyed wearing it and will continue to wear it.”
Samantha filmed her appointment and her review afterwards which you can watch here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CSELUrEIeU2/?hl=en
Book your FREE hearing test and FREE hearing aid trial today at one of our stores across the UK.