I’m now on the right road to hear better

Now John's taking the challenge of a lifetime thanks to Amplifon
Last update on Sep 10th, 2018

After losing his hearing in his thirties, John Mosse tried uncomfortable hearing aids and had received poor service before deciding to go to Amplifon.

“All the hearing aids I tried helped me to get by in my job as a personal trainer and sports therapist,” says John, “but it always felt like there was something missing – the care and attention the audiologists gave always seemed to be lacking.”

Searching for a solution to his problems, John, now in his sixties, turned to Amplifon, and was at once impressed with his audiologist’s approach to handling his hearing loss.  “My audiologist Simon was brilliant, he sat down with me and explained exactly what he was testing for,” smiles John. The audiologist gave John a free, in-depth hearing test using pioneering technology to identify the type of hearing loss he had and establish what type of hearing aids would best suit his hearing difficulty and lifestyle. 

“I was really impressed by the range of hearing aids available and how advanced the technology is”, added John.

He picked out a top of the range model which has Bluetooth connectivity that allows him to connect his hearing aids to his phone so the incoming call sound goes straight into his ears, and is adjusted at the right levels to meet his hearing needs.

“The hearing aids are just brilliant. The sound goes straight into my ears and I have a little pendant that I wear round my neck that acts like a microphone so I can chat without using my phone. This allows me to talk to people on the phone hands free whilst on the move which is really useful for when I’m out and about with my job.

“They also have on-going adjustment on them so anytime I need them altering I can just nip into the store and they will sort it out for me.” He was particularly thrilled with the expert care he received. “Nothing’s ever too much trouble at Amplifon– they are very nice people who will always go the extra mile to help. Other companies have rushed me in and out of the store, but at Amplifon they spend the time to make sure they can do everything possible to help you.” Sport has always played a big role in John’s life, and since having his Amplifon hearing aids, he’s taken part in a challenge of a lifetime - cycling 1200 miles from Thailand to Burma for charity.

Says John: “The hearing aids were just brilliant while I was taking part in the challenge. Although I don’t answer the phone while I’m cycling, I could hear the ring tone in my ears which meant I could pull over and never miss a call.

“They also allow me to stream music directly into my ears rather than having to use headphones, which lets me hear music with much more clarity.”

John is now looking forward to his next big adventure in June when he will be heading to China for a ten day 1,000 mile cycling trip. And the technology in his hearing aids means staying in touch on the trip will be much easier.

For John, making the move to Amplifon has been so beneficial that he says he wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them. “Going to Amplifon has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The hearing aids are just so fantastic and the quality of service and care is unparalleled. Before I had them I didn’t realise just what I was missing out on.”


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