Summer Health Tips for your hearing

Hearing and Summer Threats

For most people, summer is our favourite time of the year. Here are our top tips to protect your hearing during summer. Enjoy your summer by taking a few simple steps to protect and care for your hearing and hearing aids.

Earplugs to fly to your holidays

Ready for taking off? Airplane travels can be particularly painful for some people; the ears can suffer the air pressure change between the cabin atmosphere and inner ear. The risk condition related to air pressure change is called Barotrauma, which causes inner ear pain or a sensation of stuff ears. Severe signs include pain in the ear, dizziness, blood or fluid coming out from the ear or, also, hearing loss. Earplugs can be a valid help to reduce the effects of this condition, alleviating the symptoms experienced during take-off and landing.

Swim and enjoy water with earplugs

Swimming is a really popular activity during holiday, but don't forget about ear infections that could depent from it, becoming one of the most common health complaints of travellers. If you swim in contaminated water, you risk painful bacterial ear infections which, if left untreated, can lead to a long recovery fever - not the best way to spend your time on holidays. So, what's the solution? Wear earplugs! Earplugs can provide a seal against infection and also prevent water from getting into your ears; avoiding annoying symptoms at night or also during the day. 

Music for your ears…sake

For the younger adults, or music lovers, summer is the best season, full of events with plenty of music. Whether you are a bar, nightclub or disco lover, it is important that you take some simple steps to protect your hearing. Where noise levels can reach around 110db, such as on the dance floor, and you plan to dance there for more than five minutes, invest in a good set of earplugs to reduce noise. Don't turn your holiday in a bad memory!

Music, Sweat, Sun, Water & Hearing Aids

And if you wear hearing aids, make sure you follow our suggestion to make the most of your devices, not losing any sounds!

  • Summer is the time of sun and unfortunately sweat! It's true that most hearing aids are designed to handle sweat and daily moisture, but keep them in top shape: for secure moisture protection, by using an electronic or chemical-based dehumidifier to store your hearing aids at night.
  • Be careful with your hearing aids when applying suncream to your ears. Even if hearing aids are designed to be protected from most elements, it can still cause problems if you get too much suncream on them.
  • It's best to take your hearing aids off when swimming. Hearing aids, in fact, are designed to be water resistant but they aren’t 100% waterproof.

If you need any products to care for your hearing aids, or you just need the best custom fit ear plugs to protect your hearing, call into one of our Amplifon stores across UK or order from our e-commerce site.

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