Ear pain can be due to different causes, although the most common has its own name: otitis, an auditory infection that can originate in the middle or external ear. Let's look at all the possible remedies for it.
Earache treatment always depends on the diagnosed cause. Often, it is not only a question of relieving pain, but also of treating the triggering disease, if it is present.
Since earache has many different causes, targeted prevention is not possible. However, it is possible to reduce the risk by paying attention to some aspects. For example, if you have a cold when traveling by plane, decongestant nasal drops help to avoid pressure-related earache. If you do not have a cold, chewing gum or exerting counter pressure while keeping the nose blocked helps prevent earache during take-off or landing by balancing the pressure.
Children suffer from ear pain significantly more often than adults, mainly due to otitis media. Research shows that a smoke-free environment, breastfeeding and vaccination against pneumococci protect against otitis media. It is useful to consult an ENT specialist from the onset of earache. In this way, unnecessary complications and pains are avoided.
The so-called swimmer's ear (otitis externa) can be prevented by alternately tilting the head to both sides after swimming in the pool. In this way the water can escape from the ear canals. The pool water trapped in ear causes inflammation due to humidity, and the chlorine present in the water dries the ear, promoting inflammation. However, it is necessary to avoid cleaning and drying with a cotton swab, as this can easily damage the ear canal or eardrum.
There are various types of earache. It can come on suddenly (acute) or progressively and become stronger over time (chronic). Earache can be perceived as a burning or discomfort sensation, unilateral or bilateral, after a trip by plane or after a bath. It can also be accompanied by painful swallowing, sore throat, fever, or cold.
People in adulthood suffer from earache less frequently and it is more likely to be a disease of the external ear canal. In adolescents, inflammation of the ear canal is the most common type of earache. The cause is usually an aggressive ear cleaning method. If you insert cotton buds or pointed objects too deeply, the ear suffers minor injuries that can cause infections.
Traveling by plane can cause earache, due to the temporary ear pressure changes. Serious problems can also arise during diving, if you have a cold or already have ear inflammation. In case of violent earache accompanied by hearing loss, dizziness or tinnitus, it could be a barotrauma. This must be treated promptly, to prevent the eardrum from tearing or breaking.
Any parent knows that earache is much more common in children. This is due to several reasons, since children have much shorter and straighter Eustachian tubes, so inflammation or infection of the upper respiratory tract affects the ear more easily.