The ear works like every other organ in our body: the more we exercise it, the more in shape it will be. That's why it's beneficial to exercise it to prevent or reduce the possibility of age-related hearing loss and enhance our hearing ability without the use of hearing aids.
By taking care of your auditory health, you can help improve your circulation and cognitive flexibility. It is vital to continuously stimulate the auditory nerve, which tends to become lazy if not stimulated properly.
The ear is not the only thing that plays a role in our ability to hear sounds, the brain also plays a very important role. Every day, we can improve our brain's ability to perceive sounds by focusing the stimulus, and pinpoint and identifying its origin.
There are a range of activities or tips to exercise our mind and our hearing ability, such as:
There are also several foods that contain substances with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial power to further enhance our functions, such as mint, garlic, turmeric, ginger.
Exercising your hearing ability is a very useful preventive and protective measure. However, it is not a remedy in the occurrence of an existing hearing condition. In the case of permanent hearing impairment, listening exercises are not enough treatment and it is good to consult a specialist to get advice on the most suitable hearing aid.
For individuals who use hearing aids, there is auditory training to help them not only hear, but also understand better. If the auditory nerves receive fewer and fewer impulses over an extended period of time, they will gradually deteriorate. In these cases, exercises to stimulate our hearing ability can be very helpful.