Tinnitus treatment

Available Tinnitus Treatments

If your tinnitus is particularly loud, which may cause you to experience sleeping difficulties or make you feel anxious and stressed, it is worth consulting your GP or your local Amplifon Audiologist.

Advice on how to treat tinnitus

Tension can make your tinnitus worse; our recommendation would be to stay as relaxed as possible. There are plenty of simple explanations that once addressed, may alleviate or cure the condition.

Underlying conditions such as ear infections or wax blockages can normally be remedied by a short course of antibiotics, eardrops or an ear irrigation. If none of these methods prove to cure the condition, you may be suffering from a more severe form.

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The best way to find out if you have hearing loss is to make an appointment at one of our stores. Our specialists will assess your hearing capabilities with a free test and advise you on the potential next steps.

Treatment suggested

Long term cases of tinnitus don't tend to have a complete cure, but one of the following treatments may be suggested:

Sound therapy

You may find that it’s only in a noticeably quiet environment that the condition distresses you. Sound therapy works to distract you from the tinnitus using pleasant background noises. This can come in the form of a white noise generator, an ear-level sound generator or quite simply putting the radio or television on when you're in a quiet situation.

Hearing aids

If you’re experiencing challenges with your hearing as well as tinnitus, a combination of a hearing solution with built-in sound generators can often be prescribed. You can expect improved levels of hearing which also helps to minimise the effects of the condition in the same way that sound therapy might.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

and tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT).

If you’re struggling with tinnitus and experience anxiety or depression relating to your condition, cognitive behavioural therapy is a form of counselling that helps you to cope and readjust your negative feelings. Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) can also be used in conjunction with CBT, harnessing the body's natural ability to tune out sounds and make it part of your subconscious mind rather than at the forefront.


Although medication will not cure tinnitus itself, antidepressants can sometimes be prescribed if it’s making you feel depressed and anxious, often in combination with CBT or TRT.

If you are struggling with the condition, there are some steps you can take to enable you to feel in control of the situation. You may find that relaxation exercises such as yoga or listening to calming music before bedtime can provide substantial relief. Sharing your experience with others can also help reduce any feelings of isolation.

Your local expert Audiologist are also available to help answer any questions you may have or provide any guidance as to next steps so that you can continue discovering the world of sound. Book an appointment or find your nearest clinic.

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