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About vibration in the ear

About possible causes and ways to treat ear vibration

In this article, you will explore the possible causes of vibrations in the ear and learn how to alleviate any discomfort. If you're curious about the health of your hearing aids, visit an Amplifon branch near you for a consultation. Our experts will be happy to provide further information.


What exactly is meant by a vibration in the ear?

Those who experience a vibration in their ear often describe it as a fluttering, twitching, buzzing, or crackling sensation. While the exact descriptions may vary, they all indicate a sense of movement within the ear. Individuals experiencing this phenomenon often perceive the source of the vibration to be their eardrum. 

It's important to note that experiencing vibrations in the ear can be subjective, and the underlying cause may vary from person to person. 

Vibrating sound in ear when yawning

Sometimes, while yawning, you may experience a peculiar sensation of vibration or crackling in your ears. This sensation is often associated with the presence of an earwax plug that has formed within the Eustachian tube. When an earwax plug obstructs this passage, it can lead to the perception of vibrations or crackling sounds in the ears.

Similarly, you might notice occasional noises when moving your head or chewing. These sounds can also be attributed to the presence of an earwax plug affecting the Eustachian tube. As the head moves or the jaw articulates during chewing, it can cause the plug to shift, resulting in audible crackling or popping sounds.

Fortunately, this is typically a temporary and harmless occurrence. The impression of vibration or crackling often dissapears within a short period of time.

Do I have a foreign body in my ear?

The presence of a foreign object in the ear can lead to itching and discomfort. This can be attributed to various factors, including the intrusion of a tiny insect into the ear canal, the presence of a wax blockage, or the presence of a foreign object that causes itching or discomfort. If you feel like something is moving in your ear, it is best to consult a specialist who can carefully examine the ear and identify the specific cause of the sensation.

What causes vibration in the ear

There are various factors that can contribute to experiencing vibrations in the ear, including exposure to loud or intense noises, infections, and certain medical conditions. Prolonged exposure to high-intensity noise can have detrimental effects on the auditory system. It can lead to hearing loss, where the ability to perceive sounds becomes impaired or the perception of sounds and noises may seem different or abnormal. In some cases, it can even cause the perception of phantom sounds, known as tinnitus, where individuals hear sounds that don't actually exist. In addition to noise-related causes, certain medical conditions can also contribute to vibrations in the ear. Infections, such as otitis media (middle ear infection) or otitis externa (outer ear infection), can lead to discomfort and potential vibratory sensations within the ear. Various medical conditions, including Meniere's disease or certain neurological disorders, can also manifest with similar symptoms.


Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of external stimuli, commonly described as ringing or buzzing in the ears. It can be caused by various factors such as exposure to loud noises, age-related hearing loss, medical conditions, and medication. Tinnitus vibrations refer to the perception of vibrating or pulsating sensations in the ears alongside the typical ringing or buzzing sounds associated with tinnitus. These vibrations can occur in sync with the individual's heartbeat and are known as pulse-synchronous tinnitus. The specific causes and mechanisms leading to pulse-synchronous tinnitus can vary: one common factor is the presence of a vascular anomaly or abnormality in the vicinity of the auditory system. It's important to note that pulse-synchronous tinnitus differs from other forms of tinnitus.

Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube

Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube refers to an impairment in the normal functioning of the canal that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. When the Eustachian tube fails to open or close properly, it can lead to symptoms such as discharge, reduced hearing ability, or vibrations in the ear. In particular, changes in pressure and the accumulation of earwax can significantly affect its ability to perform optimally.

Pain in the jaw joint near the ear

Pain in the jaw joint near the ear, also known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in the area where the lower jawbone (mandible) connects to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint is responsible for the movement of the jaw, allowing actions such as talking, chewing, and yawning. If you are experiencing persistent or severe jaw joint pain near the ear, it is best to consult a healthcare professional.

A runny nose caused by an allergy

A runny nose caused by an allergy is a common symptom known as allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to nasal inflammation triggered by allergens like pollen or dust. While it is not directly linked to tinnitus, the allergic reaction can lead to increased mucus production, which, if it reaches the ears, can contribute to the buildup of earwax.

Have your hearing tested

The best way to treat hearing loss is through prevention. Make an appointment at one of our Amplifon clinics to have your hearing health checked. You will learn more about our hearing solutions and different types of hearing aids.

Other causes of a buzzing in the ear

There are several other causes that can contribute to a buzzing or ringing sensation in the ear. Conditions like myringitis, characterized by inflammation of the eardrum situated between the ear canal and the middle ear, can contribute to these sensations. Additionally, the presence of a wax plug in the ear can lead to vibrations or crackling, indicating the need for its removal.

It's important to note that tinnitus can have multiple underlying causes and may require medical evaluation to determine the specific trigger.

Noise or loud noises

When exposed to loud noises, our ears can vibrate in response to the sound waves. However, exposure to such intense noise can have significant effects on our hearing, leading to two primary types of hearing loss. The first type is a transient shift in hearing threshold, commonly known as temporary threshold shift (TTS). TTS refers to a temporary reduction in hearing sensitivity that occurs immediately after being exposed to excessive noise. The second type of hearing loss is a permanent shift in hearing threshold, referred to as permanent threshold shift (PTS). Unlike TTS, PTS signifies a long-lasting or permanent reduction in hearing sensitivity. It is important to note that the risk of experiencing TTS or PTS depends on various factors, including the intensity and duration of the noise exposure, individual susceptibility, and the use of hearing protection. 

Inflammation of the ear

Inflammation in the ear can occur due to various reasons, including bacterial, viral, or fungal infections in different parts of the ear. Some individuals may develop an inflammatory response in the ear due to allergies. Allergens like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or certain substances can trigger an allergic reaction, leading to inflammation and discomfort. The presence of foreign objects or trauma to the ear can also cause irritation and inflammation. Inflammation of the ear can also be influenced by factors such as excessive moisture or humidity, changes in altitude or air pressure, exposure to irritants or pollutants, underlying medical conditions, like sinusitis, or respiratory infections.


Trauma to the head or neck can occasionally result in temporary tinnitus. Such traumas, which can include accidents, falls, or sports-related injuries, may also manifest with accompanying symptoms like headaches, memory loss, and dizziness. Cotton swabs or excessive ear cleaning, also falls under trauma to the ear. 

Ear vibration: diagnosis

If you think you may be experiencing an Eustachian tube dysfunction, it is best to undergo an ENT examination to determine if you are suffering from any potential ear conditions. Alternatively, you can consult a dentist-gnathologist, an expert in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. Oftentimes, problems with the temporomandibular joint, such as bruxism, can also have repercussions on the ear canal. 

How to stop vibration in the ear

Diagnosis of a vibration in the ear

The first step is to determine the cause of the vibration in your ear. It could be due to various factors such as earwax buildup, middle ear infections, Eustachian tube dysfunction, or exposure to loud noises. Identifying the cause can help guide the appropriate course of action. If the vibrations persist or are accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is best to consult a healthcare professional or a hearing specialist. 

Treatment methods at a glance

Currently, there is no definitive therapy to eliminate vibrations in the ear completely. However, various treatment methods can help manage and alleviate the symptoms. These include removing earwax blockage, administering medications for infections and underlying conditions, implementing specialised treatments for specific causes (such as vascular issues or temporomandibular joint dysfunction), utilizing sound therapy and relaxation techniques, and considering the use of hearing aids or sound masking devices. The choice of treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the vibrations, emphasizing the importance of consulting a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Examine a vibration in the ear with a hearing test

Do you notice a vibration or buzzing, trembling or fluttering in your ear or have problems hearing properly? Then have your hearing checked in a free, non-binding hearing test at an Amplifon branch.

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