After a common cold or a flu, it is not uncommon to experience ear pain and blocked ears, which can lead to temporary hearing loss due to phlegm buildup. This typically occurs in autumn, winter, and spring when allergies are prevalent. Catarrhal otitis, characterized by phlegm accumulation in the ear canal, is a common form of this condition. While the hearing loss is usually temporary and harmless, it can be bothersome due to its prolonged duration. In this article, you will explore its causes and potential treatments.
When phlegm builds up in the upper respiratory tract, like during a common cold, it can lead to inflammation in various areas, including the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, pharynx, and the opening of the Eustachian tube. This inflammation can cause two related conditions: colds and catarrhal otitis.
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Do you think your hearing might be impaired? Then check your hearing with the Amplifon hearing test. It takes only 3 minutes and is free of charge. In the next step, you can get advice from a hearing expert at one of Amplifon's clinics in Australia.